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Here we are at Imbolc

How are you doing?  We are at the end of January already, it will be spring soon, not that I want to wish my life away.  Time is a funny phenomenon, we are ruled by these ticking things and we are required to do things at certain times.  I have always struggled with having to be places at certain times and when I allow my body to work by its own clock my mind and body are more harmonious.  I…

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Still Point January 2022

Moonday 17th January and an big beautiful Wolf full moon in Cancer, shining bright and covering the land with her silvery light. Crisp, sunny cold winter days I feel the suns power increasing bringing warmth and longer days. The sap is stirring deep below and we are in the still point before the quickening, the embers of the fire glow and burst into life and the seeds that we have been incubating start to push against the restraints of their…

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