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Still Point January 2022

Moonday 17th January and an big beautiful Wolf full moon in Cancer, shining bright and covering the land with her silvery light. Crisp, sunny cold winter days I feel the suns power increasing bringing warmth and longer days. The sap is stirring deep below and we are in the still point before the quickening, the embers of the fire glow and burst into life and the seeds that we have

been incubating start to push against the restraints of their tough  protective outer shell.

Cherish the stillness that is full of potential.  It is the sweetspot of the season that mostly gets overlooked and ignored. I recommend getting out in the sunshine, the moonlight and hanging out with the trees, natures spirits and our soul friends.

Woodland news – On a lovely afternoon, we gathered to start making a deadwood fence along the roadside. I loved seeing how the fence developed and the shapes and textures the branches made, what amazing gifts from the trees and it will also create homes for insects and fungi.

We explored another rather steep route down to the river, we laughed as we slid down on our bums, zig zagging our way down.  The climb back up was more challenging but equally fun and a great achievement for us and the twins only 2 ½ years old.

I am looking forward to starting teaching Yoga on zoom and in Hereford and Peterchurch at New Moon and Imbolc at the beginning of February.

Love, hugs and bountiful Oms



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